Dih-Anah Marie Forero started practicing yoga in late 2006. She had graduated college as a theater major and was in dance school in NYC when a former dance classmate convinced her to take a Bikram class, claiming it would improve her dancing and performance. In her first class she remembers telling herself: “OH My God! I have to survive!” Still to this day, years after her first class, and after Teacher Training in 2011 in Los Angeles, she knows this is by far the hardest thing she has done in her life and the best thing she has done for her life. “How can one put into words the miracle that happens when you do a physical activity that heals you not only physically by putting you in the best shape you have ever been, but also heals you on the inside from all those doubts and stresses daily life challenges you with? How? I simply feel blessed, utterly grateful and honored that now I can pass on to others my experience and what I know and will continue to learn. Never in a million years did I imagine that a Bronx gal like me would be this fortunate. That is the gift of Bikram Yoga: it shows you your power, your passion for life! Trust the process and it works accordingly to what you need in your life.”

Favorite Pose
Standing Bow
New York