The prenatal class is an amazing complement to my daily pregnancy exercises. I feel 100 times better after I exercise and this is especially important during pregnancy. I have seen myself get more flexible and much stronger in the poses we are taught. My hips are definitely opening up more!
I love the flow of the class, the expertise of the instructor, and the feeling of accomplishment I get after I complete a class. It’s a very good strength, flexibility, and breathing class that definitely has helped me during my pregnancy. The poses are carefully taught to ensure that we are doing the best thing with our pregnant bodies and benefit the baby. I sleep better at night <when I exercise> and have less pelvic, back and hip pain. I would “1000% recommend this class to anyone who is expecting. It is an intimate, yet not intimidating class in a safe environment where expecting ladies can come to do the best they can for themselves and their babies. I will definitely do this class if I get pregnant again, and would like to continue yoga at Afterglow after I deliver.